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Swiss Franc to New Zealand Dollar Converter

Taux interbancaire

1 CHF = 1.9346 NZD

Fluctuation (sur 24h)
Graphique (sur 24h)
* taux non contractuel actualisé le 17/02/25 18:18
taux de change CHF
taux de change NZD
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0.00 NZD / an
Telexoo exchange rate *

Interbank exchange rate Swiss franc New Zealand dollar

(Last updated on 17/02/2025 18:03)

Ce mois-ci
Depuis le mois dernier

Conversions Franc Suisse Dollar Néo-Zélandais

1 CHF 1.93 NZD
5 CHF 9.67 NZD
10 CHF 19.35 NZD
25 CHF 48.37 NZD
50 CHF 96.73 NZD
100 CHF 193.46 NZD
500 CHF 967.30 NZD
1'000 CHF 1'934.60 NZD
5'000 CHF 9'673.00 NZD
10'000 CHF 19'346.00 NZD
50'000 CHF 96'730.00 NZD

Conversions Dollar Néo-Zélandais Franc Suisse

1 NZD 0.52 CHF
5 NZD 2.58 CHF
10 NZD 5.17 CHF
25 NZD 12.92 CHF
50 NZD 25.85 CHF
100 NZD 51.69 CHF
500 NZD 258.45 CHF
1'000 NZD 516.90 CHF
5'000 NZD 2'584.51 CHF
10'000 NZD 5'169.03 CHF
50'000 NZD 25'845.14 CHF
convertir vos francs suisses en dollars néo-zélandais

Use Telexoo to convert Swiss Francs (CHF) to New Zealand Dollars (NZD)

At Telexoo, all the currencies of the world are taken into account. Everything is convertible at preferential rates. Because Telexoo, which has become indispensable for any currency conversion, is an online converter connected in real time to the stock market.

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Converting your currencies has never been as simple and fast as with Telexoo.

Nothing is easier to access than this online converter, designed for financial professionals as well as for individuals who need to change money from time to time. Its clear interface provides access to all the necessary information about exchange rates. Updated every 15 minutes, Telexoo is able to propose solutions that will make you save money from the first exchange transaction. For example, to convert your Swiss Francs into New Zealand Dollars, Telexoo is the right converter.

fluctuation taux de change chf-nzd

Fluctuations in the CHF-NZD exchange rate

The rates of all currencies fluctuate, which is why a system of legislation has been developed to regulate foreign exchange transactions. It should be noted that Telexoo SA is a financial agent subject to the supervision of the So-Fit, which is dependent on the Swiss Federal Financial Market Supervisory Authority. Currency conversions are therefore carried out in complete transparency and confidentiality.

SO-FIT est un organisme d’autorégulation reconnu par l’Autorité fédérale suisse de surveillance des marchés financiers (FINMA).

Convert your CHF into NZD via Telexoo, instructions for use

At Telexoo, everything has been thought of so that the site is operational for all audiences. Registration is fast and free. Then, you just have to choose your currencies to change and Telexoo takes care of everything. In less than 48 hours, the money is transferred to your personal account. You then have the confirmation, by an official document, that your operation was successful and that you benefit from a preferential rate introduced by Telexoo.

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The services offered by Telexoo

Telexoo works as a currency conversion coach. He is there to accompany you in your steps, without you needing to travel. Moreover, there are no additional costs. Your data is protected by a security system allowing not only total confidentiality but also true efficiency. Because Telexoo is there to take care of your money by converting it in the best way.

pourquoi utiliser telexoo

Why use Telexoo ?

Telexoo is a tool that is extremely easy to handle, from a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, and your requirements are taken into account. The transaction times are extremely fast. You can therefore receive the converted funds in most cases within 24 hours. All these operations are possible from wherever you are, all you need is an internet connection.

collaboration transparente et fiable

Transparent and reliable collaboration

Nothing is left to chance at Telexoo. The slightest transaction is the subject of a message followed by an official document. Transparency is a must, as are security and speed. All these qualities make Telexoo an indispensable converter for the good management of your money.

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No commitment, use Telexoo whenever you want. With no account fees, Telexoo adapts to your needs.
