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Le taux de change professionnel pour les entreprises

Le taux de change professionnel pour les entreprises

You are a company and you buy goods in Europe, you import products from Asia or your customers pay you in another currency than yours?

Telexoo can assist you with your international transactions by simplifying payment management and by making you benefit from exchange rates that are much more competitive than those provided by traditional players.

Need to pay an invoice? Call us to block the exchange rate.

Receive your customer payments directly in CHF.
Do you have cross-border employees? Pay wages directly in EUR.

* taux non contractuel actualisé le 17/02/25 18:26
taux de change CHF
taux de change EUR
You'll save 
0.00 EUR / an
Telexoo exchange rate *
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Comment ça marche ?

Étape 1

Créer un compte gratuit en quelques minutes

Créez un compte Telexoo en renseignant vos comptes bancaire source et destination pour que Telexoo puisse traiter vos opérations de change.

Étape 2

Transférer le montant à changer

Faites un virement du montant que vous souhaitez changer, depuis votre compte source, vers le compte bancaire de Telexoo correspondant à la devise que vous envoyez.

Étape 3

Telexoo effectue le change à des taux préférentiels

Dès réception de votre virement, nous effectuons le change en appliquant le taux interbancaire et notre marge préférentielle. Un e-mail vous est envoyé lors de la réception de vos fonds, du change et du virement.

Étape 4

Recevoir mon change sous 24 à 48 heures

Nous transférons ensuite vos devises sur le compte bénéficiaire communiqué à Telexoo. Selon la monnaie et le pays souhaités, l’opération peut prendre entre le jour même et 48h approximativement.

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How Telexoo can save you money through exchange rates

For each payment in foreign currency or via a foreign transaction, banks take what is called in the financial jargon a “spread”, which actually is a margin expressed either in percent or in Pip (percentage in point). The higher this margin is, the less competitive is the exchange rate that the bank grants you.

These margins will be more or less important depending on the amount that you send and the desired currency. 

In fact, banks exchange currencies among themselves at interbank rates, which is the market rate that you can follow on the main economic and financial websites. However, when a corporate or private customer needs to buy or sell a currency, banks will apply a margin or a commission. 

These margins can be very expensive. For instance, if you are an event planning company and you want to pay a bill for the organization of a golf course in Morocco in Moroccan dirham, traditional banks will apply a margin of 5% on the interbank exchange rate. Telexoo allows to reduce this margin by 80%.

These margins can also have severe consequences if, for example, you have a company that processes large annual volumes of very common currencies such as EUR, USD, GBP but which are cut into multiple monthly transactions. In that case  the bank will not consider your annual volume of business to calculate its margin, but it will instead apply the spread corresponding to the amount of your transaction.

It seems quite unfair when you have an annual payment volume in hundreds of thousands, or even in millions, and the bank applies its maximum margin because you pay a bill of 10'000 euros. 

Due to the large volume of exchange processed and to its specialization as the main exchange player in Switzerland, Telexoo reduces for you this margin by 50 - 80% while taking into account both amounts and currencies.

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Fast currency exchange service

Performing a foreign exchange and a transfer transaction with Telexoo is very fast.

An operation can be carried out the same day, which is very useful if you need to quickly receive the converted amount. The transfer will take up to 48h depending on the currency and country of destination.

How Telexoo works ?

For the sake of speed and security, we work via bank transfers. Our customers make a transfer of the amount that they wish to convert to Telexoo IBANs, upon receipt we convert it into the required currency and then transfer it to the recipient of your choice.

You decide when to change

One of the greatest advantages of our service in comparison to traditional banks is that you can have control over the exchange rate. Indeed, when you generate a payment in a currency via ebanking, banks give you the rate once the transaction has been completed, so you have no control over the rate.
With Telexoo, you will be able to follow our rate and to contact us when it suits you to set it. No more surprises, you benefit from perfect transparency.

how it work

Managing payments in foreign currencies

You need flexibility, we adapt to your process. The management of foreign currency needs to be simplified to save you time.

When you convert any amount with Telexoo, we offer you to send the converted currency either to your beneficiary's account(s) or directly to your own account, if you have one in the required currency.


You can hedge your currency risk

You will have to pay a bill in a few months or you see the currency you are trading at advantageous levels, Telexoo assists you with foreign exchange instrument and hedging strategies at unbeatable rates.

Your company buys in euros but sells in Swiss francs, your customers pay you in arrears while you pay your suppliers quickly. Do not take any more risk on the evolution of the exchange rate euro - Swiss franc. We have a lot of experience and will be happy to share it with you.



Hundreds of SMEs deal with Telexoo for more than thirty different currencies. We have implemented very high security procedures and our own funds are well above the required standard. Telexoo is a financial intermediary authorized by the Regulatory Authority of Geneva (So-Fit).

SO-FIT est un organisme d’autorégulation reconnu par l’Autorité fédérale suisse de surveillance des marchés financiers (FINMA).

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