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Swiss Franc to British Pound Converter

Taux interbancaire

1 CHF = 0.8803 USD

Fluctuation (sur 24h)
Graphique (sur 24h)
* taux non contractuel actualisé le 17/02/25 17:34
taux de change CHF
taux de change GBP
You'll save 
0.00 GBP / an
Telexoo exchange rate *

Interbank exchange rate CHF/GBP

(Last updated on 17/02/2025 17:32)

Ce mois-ci
Depuis le mois dernier

Conversions Franc Suisse Livre Sterling

1 CHF 0.88 GBP
5 CHF 4.40 GBP
10 CHF 8.80 GBP
25 CHF 22.01 GBP
50 CHF 44.02 GBP
100 CHF 88.03 GBP
500 CHF 440.15 GBP
1'000 CHF 880.30 GBP
5'000 CHF 4'401.50 GBP
10'000 CHF 8'803.00 GBP
50'000 CHF 44'015.00 GBP

Conversions Livre Sterling Franc Suisse

1 GBP 1.14 CHF
5 GBP 5.68 CHF
10 GBP 11.36 CHF
25 GBP 28.40 CHF
50 GBP 56.80 CHF
100 GBP 113.60 CHF
500 GBP 567.99 CHF
1'000 GBP 1'135.98 CHF
5'000 GBP 5'679.88 CHF
10'000 GBP 11'359.76 CHF
50'000 GBP 56'798.82 CHF
convertir francs suisses livres sterling

Converter Swiss Francs Pounds Sterling (CHF/GBP)

The changeover from Swiss francs to sterling is easy thanks to the Telexoo online converter, which offers a real-time update of the world currency rate. Its home page gives you access to the requested exchange rate and immediately displays a level of exchange at a lower cost compared to the traditional market. It is indeed Telexoo's challenge to offer a support that allows you to save money on a currency exchange action. Working without intermediaries, this converter site escapes the influence of the interbank rate which is reflected in the amount of transactions. This tool within everyone's reach allows real savings to be made for each transaction carried out.

évolution taux de change chf gbp

Evolution of the interbank exchange rate between CHF and GBP

The exchange rate established in 2018 by the International Monetary Fund makes it possible to monitor and graphically summarize rate fluctuations. However, these interbank rates are much higher than what an online converter such as Telexoo, which is independent of the foreign exchange market and transparent to its customers, can offer.

etapes effectuer une convesion

Steps to follow on Telexoo to perform a conversion

Extremely easy to use, this site allows you to convert your currencies in record time with total security. To access the services of this online converter, all you have to do is create an account. Then, all you have to do is complete the desired transaction, for example transferring your Swiss francs to obtain pounds sterling. In less than 24 hours, the money deposited on Telexoo arrives on your account, at the lowest rate of the exchange markets. With each transaction, Telexoo will tell you the amount of savings you have made based on the traditional interbank rate index.

raison d'utiliser telexoo

3 reasons to use Telexoo

The first advantage of this online converter site is that it avoids the interbank rates that govern the foreign exchange markets. Then, thanks to the interface of the page that analyzes the market rates in real time, you can carry out all your transactions with great ease. Finally, it is for you the opportunity to exchange currencies safely, legally, and in total transparency. Telexoo becomes an intermediary between you and your bank by making you benefit from the best rates of the moment. There are no small savings. With Telexoo, you can now allow yourself to see the big picture.

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